Once you have created your website you should think of having it hosted by a reliable web hosting company. At this point you may have as well the option to go with free web hosting service, but I wouldn’t recommend it to you for the following reasons:
- Their up-time is really poor. You may have the surprise that your website goes offline and to whom should you complain since the service is offered for free?
- You won’t benefit from a prompt customer support because this service is understaffed as long as there is no fee charged to pay more personnel to address your problems.
- You won’t get enough bandwidth and storage space as you will have with a paid web hosting service. If you plan to bring in new changes to your website and increase its space, you will better consider moving to a paid web hosting service.
- Free web hosting may not cost you at all when it comes to paying money, but it will cost the hard work and effort you have put into building your site.
I greatly enjoyed reading your article which I hope will help me to be careful about web hosting services. If I create my own website I should consider hosting it by a reliable web hosting company.
I am glad you did 🙂